Fortification of Sorghum Flour with Adenopus breviflorus bent seeds Flour as Infant Formula Mixes


  • Olayinka Ogundele Joan Department of Industrial Chemistry, Federal University Oye Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
  • A. Oshodi Aladesanmi Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.


Fortified, Mixes, Sorghum, Adenopus breviflorus benth, Protein


Adenopus breviflorus benth seed is an underutilized protein rich seed while sorghum is one of the commonest grains used for making infant weaning food in Nigeria as palp or “Ogi”. However, this grain has been reported to have carbohydrate content which makes it not sufficient to give balanced diet needed by growing babies. Fermented sorghum flour was therefore fortified with Adenopus breviflorus seeds flour which is a plant protein source as to prevent kwashiorkor in children. Fermented dried sorghum flour (FDSF) was fortified with roasted Adenopus breviflorus seed flour (RASF) in the ratios 90:10; 80:20; 70:30 and 60:40 respectively. Proximate and mineral compositions of the formulated mixes were determined and compared with those of some market baby food samples. Proximate analysis of sorghum shows that it has very high percentage of carbohydrate (69.8 %) with protein and fat contents being (13.64 %) and (4.10 %) respectively. On the other hand, the proximate analysis of RASF shows that it has high percentage of fat (47.6 %), high protein content (28.17 %), and low carbohydrate content of (9.96 %). The compounded products from fortification of fermented sorghum flour with RASF shows that the carbohydrate content decreases while protein and fat content increased with increasing percentage of RASF and corresponding decrease in sorghum flour ratio. The organoleptic tests of the different products were also carried out. On the average, the FDSF with -RASF mixtures were highly accepted due to the pleasant taste, flavor, colour, and odour brought about by the presence of RASF. The mineral content of these winning mixes compared favourably with those of some market samples as to meet the nutritional needs of the growing baby at much lower cost.


