Proximate and antinutrient composition of selected West African Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) accessions
Bambara groundnut, nutrients, antinutrients, food and income security, sub-Saharan AfricaAbstract
Underutilized legumes have gained recent prominence among various stakeholders globally, but particularly in the sub-Saharan African region. Among these is theBambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc); cultivated in several communities in Africa and Asia.In this study, five West African accessions obtained from the genebank at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria were compared for proximate and antinutrients. Analysis of variance showed statistically significant results (Significant level atP < 0.0001) for carbohydrates, protein, fat, crude, moisture, ash and crube fibre. The antinutrients analyzed(%) composed of flavonoids, alkaloids and saponin. The flavonoids ranged from 0.009 % to 0.005% in TVSU-1636 and TVSU-1649 respectively. The alkaloid varies from 0.182% in TVSU-1649 to 0.248% in TVSU-1636 while the saponin content varies from 0.333% in TVSU-1649 to 0.387% in TVSU-1636. The outcome of the study indicated variations in the trait measured and that the accessionscould be useful as legume supplements in animal and human foods. Bambara groundnut may also support low-cost protein and other beneficial nutrients required in sub-Saharan Africa.
Copyright (c) 2021 Taofeek, Mansurat and Anas

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